Box Michel Legrand - Paris Was Made For Lovers (3 CD's)


CD1 - Trilha Do Filme "paris Was Made For Lovers"
01. The Windmills Ofthe Mind |
02. The Summer Of'42 |
03. I Still See You (themefrom "the Go Between") |
04.concerto For Cabs |
05 Thestreet Where They Lived
06.where Love Begins |
07. In Lovein Normandy |
08. Old Loversnever Die |
09. On The Road(from The Film "the Lady In The Car") |
10. Do You Come Hereoften |
11. They Simply Fadeaway |
12. Where Love Ends |
13.pavanne For People |
14. Pariswas Made For Lovers |
15. Seaand Sky (vocal Dustyspringfield) |
16. A Place In Paris (vocal Matt Monroe)

01. A Place In Paris(vocal Matt Monro) |
02. O Solemio |
03. La Seine |
04. Grazie Dei Fiori |
05. I Love Paris |
06. Theburning Shore (piano Juliecooper) |
07. Neopolitan Nights
08. Paris In The Spring |
09. Thesummer Of '42 |
10. Luna Rossa |
11. La Vie En Rose |
12. Aveva Unbavero |
13. The Windmills Ofyour Mind |
14. Paris, Je T'aime(paris Stay The Same) |
15. Munasterio 'e Santa Chiara |
16. The Last Time I Saw Paris |
17. Paris |
18. Luna Lunera |
19. Vienna, City Of My Dreams |
20. Paris Canaille |
21. Third Mantheme |
22. Torna A Surriento |
23. April In Paris |
24. Addormentarmi Cosi |
25. Thecafé Mozart |
26. Do You Comehere Often |
27. Where Loveends |
28. The Song From"moulin Rouge"

01. I Love Paris(reprise) |
02. Sea And Sky (vocal Dustyspringfield) |
03. Matinata |
04. Emperor Waltz |
05. Mademoiselle Deparis |
06. Torna A Surriento (comeback To Sorrento) |
07. Tales From Thevienna Woods |
08. Under The Bridgesof Paris (sous Les Ponts De Paris) |
09. Vola, Colomba |
10. Autumn Leaves(les Feuilles Mortes) |
11. Vilja (fromthe Merry Widow) |
12. Funiculifunicula |
13. Paris Was Made Forlovers (vocal Michel Legrand) |
14. Serenade |
15. Fiorin Fiorello (in Love)
16. I Still See You (theme From The Gobetween) |
17. The Merry Widowwaltz (from The Merry Widow) |
18. Àparis |
19. The Street Where They Lived
20. Vieni, Vieni |
21. Pizzicato Polka |
22. Under Paris Skies (sous Le Ciel Deparis)
23. Non Dimenticar (don'tforget)
24. Caprice Viennois
25. Dicitencello Vuei! (you Tell Her)
26. On The Road (from The Film The Ladyin The Car)
27. The Old Refrain
28. Blue Danube Waltz

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Box Michel Legrand - Paris Was Made For Lovers (3 CD's)


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  • Visualizações: 3839
  • Modelo: Box Michel Legrand - Paris Was Made For Lovers (3 CD's)
  • Disponibilidade: Em estoque
  • R$64,90
  • Sem impostos: R$64,90

Etiquetas: Michel, Legrand, Paris, Lovers, CD's)