CD Cine Collection Hits - O Melhor Do Cinema


1 - 20Th Centry Fox Fanfare - Charles Gerhardt

2 - Love Is A Many Splendored - Arthur Fiedler With Boston Pops Orchestra

3 - Breakfarst At Tiffany's - Henry Mancini

4 - The Pink Panther Theme - Henry Mancini

5 - Everybody's Talkin' - Nilson

6 - Volunteers - Jefferson Airplane

7 - Ready To Take A Chance Again - Barry Manilow

8 - Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr.

9 - This City Never Sleeps - Eurythmics

10 - Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In - 5Th Dimension

11 - Here Comes The Sun - Nina Simone

12 - Main Theme From - John Ottman

13 - Why - Annie Lennox

14 - Summer In The City - The Lovin' Spoonful

15 - Moving On Up - M People

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CD Cine Collection Hits - O Melhor Do Cinema


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  • Visualizações: 3424
  • Modelo: CD Cine Collection Hits - O Melhor Do Cinema
  • Disponibilidade: Em estoque
  • R$64,90
  • Sem impostos: R$64,90

Etiquetas: Collection, Melhor, Cinema