CD Eric Clapton & Friends - The Breeze: An Appreciation Of JJ Cale


1. They Call Me The Breeze
2. Rock And Roll Records
3. Someday
4. Lies
5. Sensitive Kind
6. Cajun Moon
7. Magnolia
8. I Got The Same Old Blues
9. Songbird
10. Since You Said Goodbye
11. I'll Be There (if You Ever Want Me)
12. The Old Man And Me
13. Train To Nowhere
14. Starbound
15. Don't Wait
16. Crying Eyes

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CD Eric Clapton & Friends - The Breeze: An Appreciation Of JJ Cale


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  • Visualizações: 2469
  • Modelo: CD Eric Clapton & Friends
  • Disponibilidade: Em estoque
  • R$84,90
  • Sem impostos: R$84,90

Etiquetas: Clapton, Friends, Breeze:, Appreciation