CD Twisted Sister - Stay Hungry: 25TH Anniversary Edition (DUPLO)

Faixas do CD

CD 1 - The Original Album:

01.Stay Hungry 

02.We're Not Gonna Take It 

03.Burn In Hell 

04.Horror-Teria (The Beginning) 

a - Captain Howdy

b - Street Justice

05.I Wanna Rock

06.The Price 

07.Don't Let Me Down 

08.The Beast 


CD 2 - All Previously Unissued:

01.Death From Above 

02.Prime Motivator 

03.We're Not Gonna Take It (Early Demo) 

04.Death Run 

05.This One's For You 

06.S.M.F. (Early Demo) 

07.We're Coming On 

08.Call My Name 

09.Burn In Hell (Early Demo) 

10.Pay The Price 

11.What's Love Without You 

12.Our Voice Will Be Heard 

13.You Got To Fight 

14.The Price (Early Demo) 

15.Stay Hungry (Early Demo) 

16.KMET Radio Spot 

New Recording


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CD Twisted Sister - Stay Hungry: 25TH Anniversary Edition (DUPLO)


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  • Visualizações: 1051
  • Modelo: CD Twisted Sister - Stay Hungry
  • Disponibilidade: Em estoque
  • R$89,90
  • Sem impostos: R$89,90

Etiquetas: Twisted, Sister, Hungry:, Anniversary, Edition, (DUPLO)