CD Woman - The Collection


1. Love Is a Losing Game (amy Winehouse)
2. Don t Stop the Music (rihanna)
3. Early Winter (gwen Stefani)
4. Bubbly (colbie Caillat)
5. Big Girls Don t Cry (fergie)
6. Mercy (duffy)
7. Tom s Dinner (suzanne Veja)
8. Beep (the Pussycat Dolls)
9. Pumpkin Soup (jate Nash)
10. For What Its Worth (the Cardigans)
11. Just Fine (mary J. Blige)
12. This Is the Life (amy MaCDonald)
13. Do It (nelly Furtado)
14. Feedback (janet Jackson)

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CD Woman - The Collection


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  • Visualizações: 3069
  • Modelo: CD Woman - The Collection
  • Disponibilidade: Em estoque
  • R$29,90
  • Sem impostos: R$29,90

Etiquetas: Woman, Collection