Box Al Jarreau - Original Album Series (5 CD's)


CD1 - We Got By

1. Spirit
2. We Got By
3. Susan's Song
4. You Don't See Me
5. Lock All The Gates
6. Raggedy Ann
7. Letter Perfect
8. Sweet Potato Pie
9. Aladdin's Lamp

CD2 - Glow

1. Rainbow In Your Eyes
2. Your Song
3. Agua De Beber
4. Have You Seen The Child
5. Hold On Me
6. Fire And Rain
7. Somebody's Watching You
8. Milwaukee
9. Glow

CD3 - All Fly Home

1. Thinkin' About It Too
2. I'm Home
3. Brite N' Sunny Babe
4. I Do
5. Fly
6. Wait A Little While
7. She's Leaving Home
8. All
9. (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay

CD4 - This Time

1. Never Givin' Up
2. Gimmie What You Got
3. Love Is Real
4. Alonzo
6. (If I Could Only) Change Your Mind
7. Spain (I Can Recall)
8. Distracted
9. Your Sweet Love
10. (A Rhyme) This Time
11. Never Givin' Up
12. Gimmie What You Got

CD5 - Breakin’ Away

1. Closer To Your Love
2. My Old Friend
3. We're In This Love Together
4. Easy
5. Our Love
6. Breakin' Away
7. Roof Garden
8. (Round, Round, Round) Blue Rondo A La Turk
9. Teach Me Tonight

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Box Al Jarreau - Original Album Series (5 CD's)


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  • Visualizações: 4796
  • Modelo: Box Al Jarreau - Original Album Series (5 CD's)
  • Disponibilidade: Em estoque
  • R$144,90
  • Sem impostos: R$144,90

Etiquetas: Jarreau, Original, Album, Series, CD's)