DVD Jack Johnson - A Weekend At The Greek/Live In Japan (DUPLO)


01 –Jack Johnson In Between Dreams Medley
02 –Jack Johnson Never Know
03 –Jack Johnson Taylor
04 –Jack Johnson Posters
05 –Jack Johnson Gone
06 –Jack Johnson From Cuba To Tribe
07 –Jack Johnson Sitting Waiting Wishing
08 –Jack Johnson Flake
09 –Jack Johnson The Openers
10 –Jack Johnson The Accordion Set (Belle / Banana Pancakes)
11 –Jack Johnson Breakdown
12 –Jack Johnson I Never Intend To Have Songs That Said La-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da
13 –Jack Johnson Sad To Know You're Wasting My Time
14 –Jack Johnson Staple It Together
15 –Jack Johnson If I Could
16 –Jack Johnson Inaudible Melodies
17 –Jack Johnson Rodeo Clowns
18 –Jack Johnson Mudfootball
19 –Jack Johnson Plastic Jesus / Fall Line / Spring Wind
20 –Jack Johnson No Other Way
21 –Jack Johnson Better Together
22 –Jack Johnson Girl I Wanna Lay You Down

Extras Section
23 –Jack Johnson Ping Pong
24 –Jack Johnson Constellations
25 –Jack Johnson Telegraph Ave. (Rainbow)
26 –Matt Costa Fall Line / Sunshine / Astair
27 –Jack Johnson Renault
28 –ALO* Walls Of Jericho
29 –Jack Johnson Symbol In My Driveway
30 –Jack Johnson Good People

DVD2 - Live In Japan
01 –Jack Johnson Backstage Pancakes
02 –Jack Johnson Konichiwa
03 –Jack Johnson The Train To Osaka
04 –Jack Johnson "Here's A Song If There Are Any Surfers In The House"
05 –Jack Johnson Group Therapy
06 –Jack Johnson Tickets With Toshi
07 –Jack Johnson Show Me The Money
08 –Jack Johnson Too Much Information
09 –Jack Johnson City Of Tents
10 –Jack Johnson The Times They Are Like These
11 –Jack Johnson Credits Featuring The Silhouette Of G. Love
Extras Section
12 –Jack Johnson The Making Of In Between Dreams

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DVD Jack Johnson - A Weekend At The Greek/Live In Japan (DUPLO)


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  • Visualizações: 3615
  • Modelo: DVD Jack Johnson - A Weekend At The Greek/Live In Japan (DUPLO)
  • Disponibilidade: Em estoque
  • R$88,90
  • Sem impostos: R$88,90

Etiquetas: Johnson, Weekend, Greek/Live, Japan, (DUPLO)