DVD The Who & Special Guests - Live At The Royal Albert Hall


1. I can't explain
2. Anyway anyhow anywhere
3. Pinball wizard
4. Relay
5. My wife
6. The kids are alright
7. Bargain
8. Magic bus
9. Who are you
10. Baba O Riley
11. Drowned
12. Heart to hang onto
13. So sad about us
14. I m one
15. Behind blue eyes
16. You better you bet
17. The real me
18. 5;15
19. Won t get fooled again
20. Substitute
21. Let s see action
22. My generation
23. See me, feel me

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DVD The Who & Special Guests - Live At The Royal Albert Hall


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  • Visualizações: 2585
  • Modelo: DVD The Who & Special Guests - Live At The Royal Albert Hall
  • Disponibilidade: Em estoque
  • R$44,90
  • Sem impostos: R$44,90

Etiquetas: Special, Guests, Royal, Albert