Box Helloween - United Alive (3 DVD's)



1. Halloween

2. Dr. Stein

3. I'm Alive

4. If I Could Fly

5. Are You Metal?

6. Rise And Fall

7. Waiting For The Thunder

8. Perfect Gentleman

9. Kai´s Medley (Starlight / Ride The Sky / Judas / Heavy Metal Is The Law)

10. Forever And One

11. A Tale That Wasn?t Right

12. I Can

13. Pumpkins United

14. Drumkins United


1. Livin? Ain?t No Crime / A Little Time

2. Why

3. Sole Survivor

4. Power

5. How Many Tears

6. Invitation / Eagle Fly Free

7. Keeper Of The Seven Keys

8. Mos-Kai-To

9. Future World

10. I Want Out

11. Outro & Credits


1. Halloween - Live in São Paulo, 29. Oktober 2017

2. Dr. Stein - Live in São Paulo, 29. Oktober 2017

3. Kids Of The Century - Live in Prag, 25. November 2017

4. March Of Time - Live in Santiago de Chile, 31. Oktober 2018

5. Pumpkin?s Whisper

6. Bursting Hamburg

7. The Essential LED Compilation

8. Seth & Doc, The United Thing

9. The Keeper?s Journey

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Box Helloween - United Alive (3 DVD's)


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  • Visualizações: 3403
  • Modelo: Box Helloween - United Alive (3 DVD's)
  • Disponibilidade: Em estoque
  • R$119,90
  • Sem impostos: R$119,90

Etiquetas: Helloween, United, Alive, DVD's)